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Time to Party: Tips for Great Baby Shower Gifts

23.08.2019 Off By alternative-me
Time to Party: Tips for Great Baby Shower Gifts

Baby is on the way, and it is time to find the perfect present for your friend or family member! With so many options available, it can be difficult to find the right kind of gift to make the day special. Here are a few ideas to get your brain thinking and inspire you as you begin your search for a wonderful gift.

Diaper Cakes

A great present for the baby and parents is the trendy diaper cakes of Honest Company. They are formed from diapers and created to look like a three-tiered cake one would see at a party. It is typical to see one designed with wipes, baby lotion, oil, and shampoo. When making a cake for your friend or family member, try doing something unique to make the cake stand out. An idea on how to make it stand out is to create it using a theme. Find out the theme or color scheme for the baby’s room and make the cake match. Making something unique and fitting it to the baby sends a positive message and will be greatly appreciated by all in attendance.

Think Older

When people go shopping for baby gifts, they tend to pick out the typical onesie, bottle, or pacifier. While this is great in the beginning, the baby will grow out of things very quickly. Try giving a gift that lasts or will be ready when the little one reaches the next stages of growth. Give clothing for bigger sizes instead of just the newborn size, as babies do not stay in the newborn stage for very long.

If you want to get something cute for the newborn as well, consider giving a toy that will last for years and can grow with the child. Confused as to which type of toy to get? Stuffed animals are always a great choice. They stick around for much longer than the typical baby toys, and as the baby grows into a toddler and eventually to later years, the stuffed animal can still be with them. This is a great way to create long-lasting memories for kids and for their parents.

Gift Certificates

Many sites suggesting presents rarely recommend giving a gift certificate to the happy parents. Gift certificates are a great way to allow them to search for clothing, bedding, bottles, and many other items they would prefer. This gives them the freedom to choose what they want when they want it or need it. Certificates to generic shops will help parents greatly if they are in a pinch for diapers or wipes and certificates to specialty shops gives them the opportunity to choose something special and unique for their little one. If you feel hesitant to give just a gift certificate, find a little present to give along with it.

Travel Ready Items

Going to visit grandma and grandpa can get tricky for parents if they do not have travel ready items. Giving items such as travel-ready changing mats, pacifier holders, car seat, and strollers will help parents out when they finally make the trek out of the house. Car seats and strollers are items parents will need right away when they leave the hospital, but these items can become expensive quickly.

Think about teaming up with friends and family member to get enough money together in order to purchase a decent car seat or stroller. Parents get overwhelmed with all the information they are receiving about preparing for baby and having these important things will help relieve their minds. Changing pads are also lifesavers for parents. Parents will always need to change the baby’s diaper while they are out around town. Having a changing pad, which folds up nicely in the diaper bag, will be a welcomed gift.

Shoes of All Sizes

Shoes of all sorts make great gifts. People tend to stay away from purchasing shoes for babies as they grow so fast. This leaves the parents with a need for shoes. Gifting some adorable shoes for baby, especially in the winter, will be a help to parents and bring a smile to their faces. One idea is not to only purchase shoes for a newborn, but shoes for a growing baby. This will help parents out in the future as their child grows out of clothing and shoes quickly.

Nursing Covers

According to the Mayo Clinic, babies grow about 1/2 to 1 inch a month and gain about 5 to 7 ounces a week. They will almost double their original birth weight at around 5 months. In order to grow so much, the baby needs to eat quite frequently. The baby will need to eat regardless of location, and if a mother is breastfeeding, this can become a hassle. Having a nursing cover will help the mother significantly while out with the baby and can aid in creating a secure-feeling environment for the nursing mother and baby.

Teething Aids

Gifting teething aids is a great idea. Parents will need these as their baby goes through the arduous process of getting new teeth. WebMD states babies begin teething at approximately 6 months old and by age 3, children will have all of their primary teeth. This is a rough process for the little one as well as for the parents. Babies will cry at all hours due to pain caused by teeth pushing through the gums. Help the parents out by giving them a gift that will aid parents and the baby.